Equivalent measurements

Measurement conversion table

Cup of whey cheese

American cup





measurements ingredients

sugar or muscovado sugar

200 g = 1 teacup

100 g = ½ teacup

65 g = teacup

50 g = ¼ teacup

12 g = 1 tablespoon

icing sugar

100 g = 1 teacup

50 g = ½ teacup

35 g = teacup

25 g = ¼ teacup

6 g = 1 tablespoon

cocoa powder

85 g = 1 teacup

42 g = ½ teacup

28 g = teacup

21 g = ¼ teacup

5 g = 1 tablespoon

chocolate powder

150 g = 1 teacup

75 g = ½ teacup

50 g = ⅓ teacup

37 g = ¼ teacup

10 g = 1 tablespoon

nuts (depending on the size)

Whole almonds – 140 g = 1 teacup
Whole walnuts – 110 g = 1 teacup

Wheat flour (plain or self-raising)

120 g = 1 teacup
60 g = ½ teacup
40 g = teacup
30 g = ¼ teacup
8 g = 1 tablespoon

butter or margarine

200 g = 1 teacup
100 g = ½ teacup
65 g = teacup
50 g = ¼ teacup
20 g = 1 tablespoon